At our last inspection, we were found to be compliant with all the standards reviewed.  The latest summary report is available here and the full report is available from the CQC’s website.  You can use the link on the right side of this page to find it, along with our registration details and copies of our previous reports.

We’ve got a leaflet about the CQC and what it does.

When the Inspector visited us, they were with us for a full day.  The inspection covered a range of subjects and was focused on how we are meeting the national standards.  As with previous inspections, the inspector spoke to the management team, some of our staff and some of our clients.  These conversations were private and we do not know who the inspector spoke to or what they asked.

The inspector reviewed our documents and policies, including client and staff files.  The inspector found that we were compliant in these outcomes:

green_tick_large Treating people with respect and involving them in their care
green_tick_large Providing care, treatment and support that meets people’s needs
green_tick_large Caring for people safely and protecting them from harm
green_tick_large Staffing
green_tick_large Quality and suitability of management

We were pleased with this and the subsequent report.  The inspector did identify some issues which we have noted and are working on including:

green_tick_large Updating the forms and documentation in clients homes to make sure that care plans are focused around supporting people to achieve outcomes and clearly identifying and managing risks.

green_tick_large Updating our policy around information security to take account of the way that we electronically share information with our staff and colleagues in other organisations (like Adult Services or the NHS).

We are working now to make sure that we will remain compliant with the new “Fundamental Standards” which will replace the existing “Essential Standards” from April 2015.   We are also learning about the new inspection system that the CQC are using where they ask five key questions of services.  You can find more information about it on their website here.

When we were inspected in March 2014 we undertook a programme of work to resolve a minor non-compliance.  We were very pleased that the next inspection found that we had made progress and we are compliant with the standards again.  You can find information about the previous inspection here.

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