We were inspected by the Care Quality Commission in February 2014 and the report was published in March 2014.

The inspection lasted for a full day and covered a range of subjects.  The inspector spoke to the management team, some of our staff and some of our clients.  The inspector looked at our staff and client records.  The inspector found that we were compliant in these outcomes:

green_tick_large Consent to care and treatment
green_tick_large Care and welfare of people who use services
green_tick_large Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
green_tick_large Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision

However, the inspector found that we had a minor non-compliance for one outcome:

grey_cross_large  Supporting staff

We were very disappointed by this.  It’s the first time that we have been found to be non-compliant with a standard (you can see our other inspection reports on the CQC website).  We set to work to put this right straight away.  We have an action plan in place to put the issues that the inspector found right.  The plan includes:

green_tick_large Updating our supervision and appraisal policy to make sure that we record supervision with our team properly

green_tick_large Reviewing and updating our Induction training policy to make sure that we can show it meets the Common Induction Standards

green_tick_large Making sure that our training records are kept up to date and we catch up with any missed sessions

You can read the full report here and you can read our action plan here.

We also formally responded to the CQC, which you can read here, and have worked to ensure that we are compliant with the standards.

Back to the page about our last inspection.

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